December Bike Fit Discounts - SAVE 20% on Level 2 Bike Fits this Christmas

Why not make 2014 your best year of riding ever. This December we're offering 20% our most thorough bike fit session. Make any booking for a December bike fit and save 20% from our regular prices. That's Retul bike fitting from only £120.


IMPORTANT:- Use coupon code "xmas20" in the booking system for the discount to be applied


Why Bike Science?

Our fitters are the most experienced in the UK. We've fitted over 1000 riders already in 2013!

Why Retul?

The Retul bike fitting system takes accurate 3D Dynamic measurements of each rider while in motion for the most accurate assessment of rider position and movement.

When do you offer fittings?

Opening and appointment times vary from location to location, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL BIKE SCIENCE for details

Do you position cleats during the fit process?

Yes. Every bike fit includes a detailed assessment and adjustment of the riders cleat position

What types of bike do you fit?

Any. We can fit you to road bikes, tri or TT bikes, mountain bikes, touring bikes, even hybrids!

What's the aim of your bike fitting?

The bike fit process will improve efficiency, posture and comfort on your bike.

Do I need to be a serious racer to benefit from a bike fit?

No. We fit all levels of rider from total novice to Olympic athletes. We believe that riding a bike should be comfortable and enjoyable no matter what your level of participation.

I already have a December booking with you. Do I still get the discount?

Yes. If you have already made a December booking with us, your discount will be applied on the day of your bike fit.

How do I book?

Use our online booking system to book a fit at your local Bike Science today.

IMPORTANT:- Use coupon code "xmas20" in the booking system for the discount to be applied

Alternatively you can call or email using the details on OUR CONTACT PAGE

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