Road and Mountain Bike Fitting Appointments
Services on this page are applicable to any level rider using a road bike, mountain bike or hybrid bike. For bikes using triathlon bars please see the dedicated Tri/TT bike booking page.
The booking calendars on this page show the most up to date availability and can be used to book a fitting appointment. There is a separate booking calendar for each level of service offered. Bookings can also be made by email or by telephone on 0117 9273444 (technical advice is not given on this number as it is a phone answering service). If you have questions that you would like to ask prior to booking, or would like to discuss a particular issue with the fitter before booking, then it is best to email with your name, contact number and any questions you may have.

Frequently Asked Questions and Booking Terms
For an extensive list of answers to frequently asked questions and details of our cancellation policy GO HERE
By making a booking you are agreeing to the terms of our cancellation policy, so please read before booking.
Unless purchasing a new bike from us, then fitting takes place on the riders own existing bike. If you are at all unsure about what equipment to bring with you, contact us (there's a list on the FAQ page linked to above).
A fully adjustable fitting bike is available for "problem solving" issues (for instance experimentation with different length cranks.
For a detailed description of the tools and technologies used in our fitting processes, see the Technologies page
Bike Sizing Consultation. 45mins - £50
Remove the risk of buying a bike that doesn’t fit. A service for riders seeking advice as to what frame geometry will be appropriate for them. This service is for cyclists in the process of purchasing a new bike and should be carried out prior to making a purchase to ensure that the bike has a geometry that offers enough range of sensible adjustment to be able to achieve a successful bike fit once the new bike is built and ready for riding. If purchasing a bike from us, this £50 fee is deducted from the price of your purchase. If purchasing your bike from elsewhere, the fee for this session can be deducted from the price of any future bike fit with us on the new bike.
What’s included?
- Written recommendation of geometry requirements for any new bike purchased
- Stem length, crank length and handlebar recommendations
Technologies Used?
- Hand tool measurement with laser levels, digital spirit levels and goniometer
- Leomo Inertial Measurement System
- Fitting bike with adjustable frame geometry, stem length and angle, crank length and bar size
Level 1, 2D Bike Fit. 1hr 15mins - £109.99
Includes the positional setup of one bike. If you wish to bring more than one bike, please contact us by email in advance of booking.
The Level 1 bike fit option uses traditional static bike fit measurements along with Leomo motion capture. An excellent choice for new riders who need general guidance of a suitable set-up for their bike. For more experienced or higher mileage riders one of our higher level fits is recommended.
What's included?
- Assessment of rider position using traditional static measurements and Leomo Inertial Measurement System
- Adjustment of saddle height, tilt and fore/aft
- Handlebar positioning including stem length adjustment, bar rotation and position of grips (new stems are available if required at an additional cost)
- Cleat positioning
- Detailed measurement report of final bike set up
Technologies Used?
- Hand tool measurement with laser levels, digital spirit levels and goniometer
- Leomo Inertial Measurement System
Level 2, 3D Dynamic Fit. 2hrs 30mins - £189.99

Includes the positional setup of one bike. If you wish to bring more than one bike, please contact us by email in advance of booking.
Recommend for the majority of riders who are looking to optimise their position for best comfort and power output. This bike fit service looks at the every aspect of the riders anatomy, strength, flexibility and interaction with the bike. The process starts with a flexibility and lower limb anatomy assessment. The rider is then asked to ride in their current position and measurements taken from both sides to set a baseline and check for imbalances. Measurements are taken while riding at a constant power output to ensure consistency between measurement sets. All measurements taken can be viewed by both the rider and fitter during the fit process. Adjustments are then made based on judgements by the fitter and feedback from the rider followed by further measurements and adjustments as needed. Throughout the process the aim of each adjustment is explained. The adjustment/measurement process is repeated until the fitter confirms that the position sits within the recommended angle ranges and suits the riders body type, riding style, injury history and race goals and the rider is both comfortable and powerful.
What's included?
- Detailed pre-fit assessment of rider anatomy, flexibility and stability. Recommendation of post fit exercises for strength and flexibility improvement.
- Assessment of rider position and movement using Retül motion capture, Leomo Inertial Measurement System and gebioMized saddle pressure mapping
- Adjustment of saddle height, tilt and fore/aft. Alternative saddle models can be trialled during the fit, but if you are sure you need a different saddle, please contact us by email prior to booking as additional time can be added to your appointment to allow for saddle selection
- Handlebar positioning including stem length adjustment, bar rotation and position of grips (new stems are available if required at an additional cost)
- Detailed cleat positioning including in the shoe and external wedging and leg length correction if necessary.
- Half price cycle specific custom footbeds (although if you know you want footbeds, booking the Pro Road level fit is recommended as it allows more time for this process)
- Detailed report including flexibility assessment, rider motion, saddle pressure and measurement of final bike set up.
Technologies Used?
- Hand tool measurement with laser levels, digital spirit levels and goniometer
- Retül 3D Motion Capture
- Leomo Inertial Measurement System
- gebioMized Dynamic Saddle Pressure Measurement System
Pro Road Fit (Road Bikes Only). 5 Hours - £269.99
Includes the positional setup of one bike. If you wish to bring more than one bike, please contact us by email in advance of booking.
Our Pro Road Fit is the ultimate road bike fitting experience with the aim of being as close to the level of service that a pro rider would experience as possible. We utilise all technologies available to us, including an outdoor road ride to assess and measure comfort and sustainability in real world conditions.
What's included?
- Detailed pre-fit assessment of rider anatomy, flexibility and stability. Recommendation of post fit exercises for strength and flexibility improvement.
- Assessment of rider position and movement using Retül motion capture, Leomo Inertial Measurement System, Somaxis sEMG and gebioMized saddle pressure mapping
- Adjustment of saddle height, tilt and fore/aft. A wide range of alternative saddle models can be trialled and measured during the fit if required.
- Crank length assessment
- Handlebar positioning including stem length adjustment, bar rotation and position of grips (new stems are available if required at an additional cost)
- Detailed cleat positioning including in the shoe and external wedging and leg length correction if necessary.
- Sidas cycle specific custom footbeds included in the price
- Outdoor ride using Leomo Inertial Measurement System to assess motion and sustainability in real world conditions (please bring helmet and suitable outdoor riding gear)
- Detailed report including flexibility assessment, rider motion, saddle pressure and measurement of final bike set up.
Technologies Used?
- Hand tool measurement with laser levels, digital spirit levels and goniometer
- Retül 3D Motion Capture
- Leomo Inertial Measurement System for both indoor and outdoor assessment
- Somaxis Electromyography for detailed assessment of muscular recruitment
- gebioMized Dynamic Saddle Pressure Measurement System